About Me!

Hello! My name Is Annette. I live in Alaska and I love it here. I was born into a pretty big amazing family. I also have a wonderful husband and 4 beautiful kids. I love the life I get to live here with them. 

Animals have always been my thing. I think I raised my first bottle fed kitten when I was 5 and her name was Toby Jean. She was the cutest little tabby cat. I just have always loved to surround myself with fuzzy animals. 

I started showing rabbits in 2013, I think. And my first true purebred breed was a Jersey Wooly which after some research took me to English Angoras and then Satin Angoras, all of which I currently still breed, raise and show. The more fuzzier the fluff, the better. 

I am a stay at home mom, so I was really wanting to find a new hobby that I could do from home with/or around my kids but also create something I could dive into for my sanity and help support my family.  So I started sewing. From there it’s turned into a small business that I’m very proud of. I also love that it’s never the same always colorful but different. 

I have always sold my Angora fiber but never put it into use for myself until about late December 2018 when I finally took the leap and started spinning. Since then I have been knitting, looming and dyeing fiber. I have done batts and currently want to expand into more fun Fiber Art things. For me blending sewing into Fiber Arts has been a blessing. 

Spinning has been very therapeutic for me. I lost my youngest brother in 2019 and my life’s been changed forever because of it. I actually was spinning when I received the call and it took me months to get through that 4 oz batt. But I did it. And then I went onto knitting my first project from it. Some people say I’m strong but in reality, I don’t feel it. I just don’t like giving up. I am not a quitter! 

Faith is another thing for me that has kept me going through all my struggles. My love for God and the belief that things of this world aren’t forever are very much in my daily life. I strive to be a better person daily even though I always fall short but again I don’t give up. I like to think of myself as a very honest yet giving person. I always try to help others if I can.

 I don’t really enjoy talking about myself much but I am very thankful to have the all people I do in my life and this business, that I enjoy each and every day. Thank you all for being apart of it and for the support. Your sharing, kinds words or even honest feedback are always appreciated. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me! 

Thank you! And God Bless ❤️